Level C
Unit 1 AnswersCompleting The Sentence
1. laggards
2. precludes
3. hovered
4. wrangle
5. evolved
6. vigil
7. excerpts
8. jostled
9. decree
10. reverted
11. citadel
12. groped
13. collaborate
14. servile
15. discordant
16. adage
17. bonanza
18. plaudits
19. rubble
20. churlish
1. evolved
2. preclude
3. adage
4. jostled
5. groped
6. bonanza
7. rubble
8. collaborate
9. servile
10. citadel
11. excerpt
12. revert
13. hovered
14. decree
15. vigil
16. discordant
17. wrangled
18. churlish
19. laggards
20. plaudits
Choosing The Right Word
1. collaborated
2. churlish
3. citadels
4. preclude
5. plaudits
6. revert
7. vigil
8. hovered
9. adage
10. groping
11. servile
12. jostled
13. laggard
14. evolved
15. bonanza
16. discordant
17. decreed
18. rubble
19. excerpted
20. wrangled
Vocabulary In Context
1. passage
2. join forces
3. developed
4. praise
5. squabbled
Unit 2 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. detriment
2. durable
3. maimed
4. oblique
5. antics
6. enterprising
7. glut
8. bountiful
9. invalidate
10. veered
11. avowed
12. wanton
13. banter
14. gingerly
15. congested
16. frugal
17. incognito
18. venerate
19. minimize
20. legendary
1. legendary
2. antics
3. veered
4. maimed
5. avowed
6. glut
7. bantered
8. minimized
9. enterprising
10. venerate
11. incognito
12. wanton
13. oblique
14. bountiful
15. detriment
16. congested
17. durable
18. invalidate
19. gingerly
20. frugal
Choosing The Right Word
1. avowed
2. bountiful
3. incognito
4. minimize
5. maimed
6. legendary
7. detriment
8. enterprising
9. invalidated
10. wanton
11. veering
12. frugal
13. congested
14. venerate
15. oblique
16. glutted
17. ginger
18. antics
19. durable
20. bantering
Vocabulary In Context
1. celebrated
2. joking
3. abundant
4. sturdy
5. belittle
6. look up to
Unit 3 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. elite
2. incapacitated
3. unison
4. comply
5. amass
6. allotted
7. willful
8. longevity
9. skittish
10. vied
11. relevant
12. grapple
13. prodigious
14. myriad
15. perturbed
16. tethered
17. audacious
18. devoid
19. instigate
20. perspective
1. myriad
2. perturbed
3. perspective
4. allotted
5. amassed
6. vied
7. unison
8. elite
9. willful
10. skittish
11. grapple
12. incapacitates
13. instigate
14. comply
15. prodigious
16. audacious
17. devoid
18. tethered
19. relevant
20. longevity
Choosing The Right Word
1. unison
2. willfully
3. grappled
4. prodigious
5. elite
6. audacity
7. tether
8. incapacitated
9. comply
10. instigate
11. longevity
12. relevant
13. perspective
14. vie
15. perturbed
16. allotted
17. devoid
18. skittish
19. myriad
20. amassing
Vocabulary In Context
1. lacking in
2. countless
3. compete
4. gigantic
5. pertinent
Unit 4 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. qualms
2. deplore
3. promontory
4. sustain
5. frivolous
6. oust
7. bolster
8. blase
9. recourse
10. annul
11. porous
12. mustered
13. obsess
14. ornate
15. non-entity
16. residue
17. peruse
18. solicitous
19. staid
20. prone
1. muster
2. prone
3. oust
4. frivolous
5. recourse
6. sustain
7. ornate
8. residue
9. bolster
10. promontory
11. obsessed
12. porous
13. deplore
14. qualms
15. perused
16. staid
17. blase
18. solicitous
19. annul
20. non-entities
Choosing The Right Word
1. sustain
2. annulling
3. promontory
4. bolstered
5. non-entities
6. residue
7. frivolous
8. deplore
9. staid
10. recourse
11. obsessed
12. perusing
13. porous
14. prone
15. muster
16. qualms
17. solicitous
18. ornate
19. ousted
20. blase
Vocabulary In Context
1. preoccupied
2. boost
3. dignified
4. lamented
5. trifling
6. doubts
Unit 5 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. aghast
2. intrigued
3. ample
4. pulverised
5. asserted
6. cowered
7. indiscriminate
8. inaudible
9. proximity
10. disdain
11. plausible
12. jurisdiction
13. ethical
14. prodigal
15. epitaph
16. facetious
17. plebeian
18. apparition
19. sequel
20. volatile
1. facetious
2. pulverised
3. jurisdiction
4. sequel
5. intrigued
6. facetious
7. volatile
8. assert
9. cowered
10. epitaph
11. apparitions
12. disdain
13. ethical
14. plebeian
15. aghast
16. indiscriminate
17. plausible
18. inaudible
19. ample
20. proximity
Choosing The Right Word
1. ample
2. aghast
3. prodigal
4. plebeians
5. disdain
6. plausible
7. pulverised
8. intriguing
9. sequel
10. apparition
11. facetious
12. proximity
13. indiscriminate
14. inaudible
15. jurisdiction
16. assert
17. epitaphs
18. cower
19. volatile
20. ethics
Vocabulary In Context
1. self-indulgent
2. rejected
3. comical
4. considerable
5. maintained
Unit 6 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. aloof
2. defects
3. scapegoat
4. ostracized
5. genial
6. abashed
7. forthright
8. purge
9. flaunt
10. finesse
11. premonition
12. pseudonym
13. basked
14. retentive
15. articulating
16. instill
17. repercussions
18. rehabilitate
19. anguish
20. resolute
1. genial
2. ostracized
3. repercussions
4. instill
5. forthright
6. scapegoat
7. purge
8. flaunted
9. aloof
10. basked
11. pseudonym
12. premonitions
13. anguish
14. rehabilitates
15. defects
16. abashed
17. retentive
18. resolute
19. finesse
20. articulate
Choosing The Right Word
1. basked
2. scapegoat
3. anguish
4. pseudonyms
5. resolute
6. defecting
7. abashed
8. premonitions
9. ostracize
10. rehabilitate
11. retentive
12. flaunt
13. finesse
14. repercussions
15. articulate
16. aloof
17. genial
18. purge
19. forthright
20. instill
Vocabulary In Context
1. determined
2. expressed
3. frank
4. consequences
5. deserted
6. cast out
Unit 7 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. jaunty
2. juncture
3. attributes
4. exotic
5. parry
6. ravaged
7. acme
8. stance
9. excising
10. wavering
11. turncoat
12. tawdry
13. belittle
14. predatory
15. unassuming
16. doctrine
17. wallowed
18. haggard
19. convey
20. menial
1. tawdry
2. turncoat
3. conveyed
4. jaunty
5. ravaged
6. wavers
7. stance
8. menials
9. doctrine
10. parry
11. predatory
12. attributes
13. wallowed
14. juncture
15. belittled
16. excise
17. exotic
18. acme
19. unassuming
20. haggard
Choosing The Right Word
1. doctrine
2. wavered
3. attributed
4. unassuming
5. ravages
6. acme
7. tawdry
8. stance
9. menial
10. parried
11. exotic
12. juncture
13. turncoats
14. predatory
15. belittling
16. excise
17. jaunty
18. convey
19. haggard
20. wallow
Vocabulary In Context
1. strange
2. peak
3. ascribed
4. carried
5. servants
Unit 8 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. divergent
2. avail
3. unflagging
4. proclaimed
5. fervent
6. gaunt
7. infiltrated
8. scavenger
9. stinted
10. enmity
11. cryptic
12. rankled
13. attired
14. plummeted
15. abutted
16. proxy
17. cronies
18. perceptible
19. stoical
20. nullified
1. infiltrate
2. fervent
3. proxy
4. rankles
5. attire
6. crony
7. enmity
8. stint
9. proclaimed
10. avail
11. perceptible
12. gaunt
13. scavengers
14. divergent
15. abut
16. unflagging
17. cryptic
18. stoical
19. plummet
20. nullify
Choosing The Right Word
1. fervent
2. unflagging
3. cronies
4. nullify
5. cryptic
6. stint
7. perceptible
8. divergent
9. proclaimed
10. gaunt
11. infiltrated
12. avail
13. stoical
14. rankled
15. plummeted
16. enmity
17. scavengers
18. proxies
19. attired
20. abutted
Vocabulary In Context
1. rummagers
2. tireless
3. self-controlled
4. period
5. border observable
Unit 9 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. renown
2. awry
3. mien
4. chafe
5. encroach
6. fend
7. endow
8. capitulated
9. disgruntled
10. pertinent
11. penal
12. impunity
13. bludgeon
14. recluse
15. dire
16. predominant
17. prodigies
18. disarming
19. apt
20. defiled
1. chafed
2. mien
3. predominant
4. apt
5. recluse
6. impunity
7. capitulated
8. defiles
9. encroach
10. bludgeon
11. fend
12. awry
13. penal
14. endow
15. pertinent
16. renown
17. disgruntled
18. prodigy
19. disarming
20. dire
Choosing The Right Word
1. mien
2. aptitude
3. penal
4. disgruntled
5. awry
6. chafed
7. capitulate
8. prodigies
9. predominant
10. bludgeon
11. pertinent
12. recluse
13. fend
14. renown
15. dire
16. encroach
17. endowed
18. impunity
19. disarmed
20. defiling
Vocabulary In Context
1. fame
2. surrender
3. intruding
4. bearing
5. ominous
Unit 10 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. personable
2. curt
3. upbraids
4. scoffed
5. ferret
6. whimsical
7. engrossed
8. transition
9. habituated
10. dexterous
11. entails
12. barter
13. devise
14. vex
15. impending
16. trepidation
17. rue
18. veritable
19. vitality
20. accorded
1. trepidation
2. transition
3. personable
4. rued
5. whimsical
6. impending
7. vitality
8. entails
9. ferreted
10. vexed
11. scoffed
12. bartered
13. habituated
14. veritable
15. devise
16. dexterous
17. engrossed
18. upbraid
19. accord
20. curt
Choosing The Right Word
1. upbraided
2. devise
3. vitality
4. scoff
5. ferret
6. trepidation
7. barter
8. vex
9. veritable
10. impending
11. habituate
12. curt
13. rued
14. personable
15. engrossed
16. accord
17. dexterous
18. entails
19. transition
20. whimsical
Vocabulary In Context
1. invented
2. laugh
3. absorb
4. conversion
5. imminent
6. distresses
Unit 11 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. decoy
2. milieu
3. delve
4. gallantry
5. conventional
6. ensue
7. belated
8. calamitous
9. taint
10. cite
11. judicious
12. quirks
13. appease
14. outlandish
15. regaled
16. mediate
17. overbearing
18. impart
19. shiftless
20. pert
1. milieu
2. pert
3. outlandish
4. shiftless
5. overbearing
6. gallantry
7. tainted
8. mediate
9. regaled
10. quirks
11. ensue
12. decoy
13. cited
14. belated
15. delve
16. judicious
17. imparted
18. conventional
19. appease
20. calamitous
Choosing The Right Word
1. impart
2. delve
3. belated
4. regale
5. shiftless
6. appeasing
7. judicious
8. conventional
9. ensue
10. calamitous
11. outlandish
12. mediate
13. tainted
14. cite
15. milieu
16. pert
17. quirks
18. decoyed
19. overbearing
20. gallantry
Vocabulary In Context
1. catastrophic
2. prudent
3. tardy
4. resulted
5. daring
Unit 12 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. fallacies
2. capacious
3. embargo
4. abdicate
5. tractable
6. levity
7. mendicants
8. teems
9. negated
10. caustic
11. crusaded
12. bestow
13. voracious
14. tenet
15. ungainly
16. recipient
17. nauseated
18. defaced
19. ruse
20. pivotal
1. tenet
2. nauseated
3. caustic
4. crusade
5. negate
6. mendicant
7. embargoes
8. ruse
9. fallacies
10. voracious
11. ungainly
12. pivotal
13. recipient
14. abdicate
15. teems
16. levity
17. tractable
18. capacious
19. defaced
20. bestowed
Choose The Right Word
1. negate
2. mendicant
3. tenet
4. ungainly
5. fallacy
6. levity
7. recipient
8. caustic
9. teem
10. capacious
11. defaced
12. abdicate
13. bestow
14. crusade
15. pivotal
16. tractable
17. embargo
18. voracious
19. ruse
20. nauseated
Vocabulary In Context
1. unwieldy
2. owner
3. overflows
4. sarcastic
5. avid
6. roomy
Unit 13 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. loiter
2. plundered
3. vilified
4. wry
5. impediment
6. imperative
7. foreboding
8. enormity
9. haughty
10. adapt
11. faltered
12. malinger
13. vaunted
14. steadfast
15. forlorn
16. waifs
17. pithy
18. dovetail
19. attest
20. simper
1. loiter
2. steadfast
3. vaunted
4. attested
5. plundered
6. wry
7. vilify
8. imperative
9. enormity
10. simpers
11. dovetail
12. foreboding
13. adapt
14. malinger
15. waifs
16. forlorn
17. pithy
18. faltered
19. haughty
20. impediments
Choosing The Right Word
1. vaunt
2. adapt
3. impediment
4. pithy
5. attest
6. foreboding
7. steadfast
8. malingering
9. falter
10. imperative
11. wry
12. simper
13. waif
14. enormity
15. plundered
16. loitering
17. haughty
18. forlorn
19. vilify
20. dovetail
Vocabulary In Context
1. confirms
2. huge size
3. obstacles
4. schedule
5. woebegone
Unit 14 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. arrogant
2. vendor
3. armistice
4. bland
5. niches
6. obliterate
7. amplify
8. epoch
9. gratifies
10. rote
11. kindred
12. disclaim
13. estranged
14. ransacked
15. solvent
16. tedious
17. infinite
18. irascible
19. naive
20. ramshackle
1. estrange
2. vendor
3. bland
4. obliterate
5. rote
6. tedious
7. ransacked
8. epoch
9. arrogant
10. irascible
11. niche
12. armistice
13. gratified
14. amplifies
15. kindred
16. infinite
17. ramshackle
18. solvent
19. disclaimed
20. naive
Choosing The Right Word
1. niche
2. infinite
3. vendor
4. bland
5. obliterate
6. ransacked
7. irascible
8. arrogant
9. rote
10. naive
11. estranged
12. amplified
13. epoch
14. solvent
15. kindred
16. armistice
17. ramshackle
18. gratifying
19. tedious
20. disclaim
Vocabulary In Context
1. place
2. irritable
3. era
4. high-handed
5. please
6. tiresome
Unit 15 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1. strictures
2. heritage
3. crucial
4. inert
5. rational
6. oblivion
7. veneer
8. befall
9. garnished
10. reciprocal
11. dregs
12. opus
13. pallid
14. fiasco
15. abyss
16. parable
17. exasperates
18. embodies
19. mercenary
20. negligent
1. mercenary
2. opus
3. inert
4. exasperates
5. embodies
6. parable
7. rational
8. abyss
9. oblivion
10. pallid
11. negligent
12. fiasco
13. heritage
14. befell
15. garnished
16. crucial
17. reciprocal
18. strictures
19. dregs
20. veneer
Choosing The Right Word
1. stricture
2. negligent
3. inert
4. parables
5. fiasco
6. pallid
7. opus
8. oblivion
9. crucial
10. mercenary
11. embodied
12. heritage
13. befall
14. veneer
15. abyss
16. dregs
17. rational
18. garnishing
19. exasperates
20. reciprocal
Vocabulary In Context
1. happened to
2. careless
3. critical
4. suspicious
5. chasm
not correct anymore
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