Level B

Level B


Completing the Sentence

1 recompense
2 germinate
3 interminable
4 barren
5 interrogate
6 vicious
7 adjacent
8 humdrum
9 trivial
10 alight
11 trickle
12 renovate
13 sullen
14 truce
15 resume
16 dynasty
17 insinuate
18 foretaste
19 disrupt
20 hurtle

1 recompense
2 humdrum
3 vicious
4 renovate
5 interrogate
6 interminable
7 sullen
8 alight
9 disrupt
10 insinuate
11 adjacent
12 resume
13 truce
14 barren
15 foretaste
16 hurtle
17 trivial
18 trickle
19 dynasty
20 germinate

1 vicious
2 hurtle
3 barren
4 sullen
5 germinate
6 trickle
7 alight
8 humdrum
9 adjacent
10 interminable
11 trivial
12 disrupt
13 truce
14 insinuate
15 renovate

1 interminable
2 vicious
3 recompensed
4 trivial
5 sullen
6 germinated
7 truce
8 humdrum
9 trickle
10 sullen
11 adjacent
12 disrupt
13 hurtled
14 renovate
15 alighting
16 interrogate
17 resume
18 insinuated
19 foretaste
20 dynasties


Completing the Sentence

1 pelt
2 indignant
3 transparent
4 unscathed
5 plague
6 lubricate
7 poised
8 mutual
9 dissuade
10 available
11 indispensable
12 entrepreneur
13 cater
14 homicide
15 retard
16 regime
17 indifference
18 customary
19 hazard
20 firebrand

1 firebrand
2 entrepreneur
3 indispensable
4 homicide
5 mutual
6 pelt
7 transparent
8 indignant
9 plague
10 lubricate
11 cater
12 hazard
13 unscathed
14 indifference
15 retard
16 regime
17 available
18 dissuade
19 poised
20 customary

1 indignant
2 unscathed
3 cater
4 mutual
5 indispensable
6 transparent
7 dissuade
8 customary
9 indifference
10 poised
11 available
12 retard
13 firebrand
14 hazard
15 plague

1 transparent
2 unscathed
3 pelted
4 lubricate
5 mutually
6 plagued
7 available
8 indignant
9 poised
10 firebrands
11 retarding
12 customary
13 hazard
14 dissuade
15 entrepreneur
16 regime
17 homicide
18 cater
19 indifference
20 indispensable


Completing the Sentence

1 upright
2 seethe
3 yearn
4 unique
5 literate
6 ingredient
7 oration
8 downright
9 singe
10 animated
11 luster
12 goad
13 verify
14 peevish
15 culminate
16 miscellaneous
17 brood
18 loom
19 drone
20 indulge

1 ingredient
2 loom
3 singe
4 culminate
5 miscellaneous
6 indulge
7 upright
8 literate
9 downright
10 unique
11 seethe
12 oration
13 verify
14 brood
15 drone
16 peevish
17 yearn
18 luster
19 animated
20 goad

1 culminate
2 goad
3 peevish
4 drone
5 upright
6 literate
7 unique
8 indulge
9 animated
10 verify
11 yearn
12 miscellaneous
13 luster
14 seethe
15 singe

1 ingredient
2 luster
3 seethed
4 unique
5 literate
6 oration
7 yearning
8 downright
9 verify
10 singeing
11 upright
12 looms
13 drone
14 peevish
15 brooding
16 animated
17 indulging
18 culminates
19 goad
20 miscellaneous


Completing the Sentence

1 wince
2 spirited
3 virtual
4 scurry
5 mortify
6 malignant
7 controversial
8 buffoons
9 wayward
10 bewilder
11 procure
12 hostile
13 alliance
14 inflict
15 sodden
16 inflammable
17 void
18 orthodox
19 fruitless
20 dishearten

1 wince
2 wayward
3 scurry
4 spirited
5 fruitless
6 hostile
7 void
8 bewilder
9 sodden
10 mortify
11 inflammable
12 dishearten
13 virtual
14 malignant
15 alliance
16 procure
17 buffoon
18 inflict
19 controversial
20 orthodox

1 dishearten
2 inflammable
3 scurry
4 spirited
5 wayward
6 sodden
8 fruitless
9 orthodox
10 void
11 controversial
13 bewilder
14 hostile
15 buffoon
16 procure
17 alliance

1 voided
2 inflammable
3 mortifying
4 wayward
5 scurrying
6 spirited
7 wince
8 procure
9 inflicted
10 disheartened
11 hostile
12 buffoon
13 virtually
14 bewildered
15 orthodox
16 controversial
17 malignant
18 alliance
19 sodden
20 fruitless


Completing the Sentence

2 rural
3 maul
4 uncertainty
6 iota
8 tamper
9 consolidate
10 radiant
11 anecdote
12 fallible
13 fugitive
14 entreat
15 fickle
16 counterfeit
18 grimy

1 radiant
2 ultimate
3 potential
4 tamper
5 substantial
6 maul
7 grimy
8 tactful
9 iota
10 fickle
11 fallible
12 counterfeit
13 dominate
14 consolidate
15 entreat
16 docile
17 uncertainty
18 fugitive
19 anecdote
20 rural

1 counterfeit
2 grimy
3 maul
4 fugitive
5 potential
6 iota
7 docile
8 fickle
9 substantial
10 ultimate
11 rural
12 dominate
13 consolidate
14 fallible
15 radiant
16 tactful
17 uncertainty
18 entreat

1 tamper
2 fugitives
3 uncertainties
4 counterfeit
5 mauled
6 tactful
7 iota
8 consolidate
9 fickle
10 fallibility
11 anecdotes
12 ultimate
13 docile
14 substantial
15 rural
16 potential
17 grimy
18 dominated
19 radiant
20 entreat


Completing the Sentence

1 scrimp
2 inimitable
3 prominent
4 vengeance
5 quaint
6 dynamic
7 utmost
8 preview
9 makeshift
10 pending
11 dupe
12 snare
13 prescribe
14 frustrated
15 anonymous
16 reluctant
17 eradicate
18 browse
19 marginal
20 grim

1 quaint
2 inimitable
3 preview
4 grim
5 eradicate
6 prominent
7 marginal
8 pending
9 scrimp
10 snare
11 prescribe
12 dynamic
13 vengeance
14 browse
15 frustrate
16 reluctant
17 makeshift
18 anonymous
19 utmost
20 dupe

1 scrimp
2 reluctant
3 pending
4 eradicate
5 prominent
6 frustrate
7 quaint
8 grim
9 marginal
10 dupe
11 utmost
12 makeshift
13 dynamic
14 inimitable
15 vengeance
16 preview
17 anonymous
18 snare

1 dupe
2 makeshift
3 inimitable
4 scrimp
5 dynamic
6 vengeance
7 quaint
8 prominent
9 utmost
10 marginal
11 pending
12 grim
13 browsing
14 snare
15 eradicate
16 anonymous
17 preview
18 reluctance
19 prescribe
20 frustrate


Completing the Sentence

1 paradox
2 fledgling
3 notable
4 nurture
5 amiss
6 perjury
7 domestic
8 momentum
9 detest
10 flaw
11 vigilant
12 flagrant
13 presume
14 brawl
15 prior
16 salvo
17 foremost
18 proficient
19 wrath
20 fluster

1 flaw
2 wrath
3 momentum
4 vigilant
5 fluster
6 domestic
7 prior
8 detest
9 brawl
10 perjury
11 notable
12 proficient
13 fledgling
14 foremost
15 presume
17 paradox
18 amiss
19 salvo
20 flagrant

1 detest
2 vigilant
3 notable
4 prior
5 amiss
6 detest
7 foremost
8 fledgling
9 proficient
10 fluster
11 domestic
12 presume
13 flaw
14 nurture
15 foremost

1 perjury
2 paradox
3 vigilant
4 prior
5 notable
6 flaws
7 detest
8 salvo
9 amiss
10 fledgling
11 nurtured
12 presumed
13 flustered
14 wrath
15 momentum
16 domestic
17 brawling
18 proficient
19 foremost
20 flagrant


Completing the Sentence

1 catastrophe
2 ordain
3 swerve
4 capsize
5 onslaught
6 prudent
7 legible
8 flourish
9 pervade
10 insubordinate
11 decrease
12 abnormal
13 nub
14 quench
15 eject
16 simultaneous
17 remnant
18 incentive
19 outstrip
20 disputatious

1 nub
2 outstrip
3 incentive
4 swerve
5 flourish
6 disputatious
7 eject
8 simultaneous
9 catastrophe
10 legible
11 prudent
12 abnormal
13 quench
14 capsize
15 remnant
16 ordain
17 decrease
18 pervade
19 onslaught
20 insubordinate

1 outstrip
2 decrease
3 legible
4 quench
5 insubordinate
6 prudent
7 nub
8 swerve
9 onslaught
10 flourish
11 eject
12 abnormal
13 catastrophe
14 simultaneous
15 capsize
16 disputatious
17 ordain

1 swerved
2 catastrophe
3 insubordinately
4 ordained
5 outstripped
6 onslaught
7 abnormal
8 remnant
9 decrease
10 simultaneously
11 ejected
12 capsized
13 prudent
14 flourish
15 legible
16 pervaded
17 quenched
18 incentive
19 disputatious
20 nub


Completing the Sentence

1 stifle
2 entice
3 quibble
4 flounder
5 downtrodden
6 vital
7 canvass
8 persist
9 accelerate
10 ratify
11 parch
12 ordeal
13 erode
14 gruesome
15 melancholy
16 graphic
17 casual
18 bystander
19 regal
20 puny

1 ratify
2 graphic
3 vital
4 melancholy
5 parch
6 stifle
7 casual
8 puny
9 gruesome
10 persist
11 downtrodden
12 erode
13 regal
14 entice
15 bystander
16 quibble
17 canvass
18 ordeal
19 accelerate
20 flounder

1 bystander
2 ordeal
3 melancholy
4 persist
5 ratify
6 puny
7 graphic
8 entice
9 vital
10 accelerate
11 ???
12 gruesome
13 casual
14 parch
15 regal
16 stifle

1 flounder
2 downtrodden
3 quibbling
4 enticing
5 stifle
6 accelerate
7 parched
8 puny
9 ratified
10 bystander
11 casual
12 eroded
13 gruesome
14 vital
15 canvassed
16 persist
17 regal
18 ordeal
19 graphic
20 melancholy


Completing the Sentence

1 botch
2 dilapidated
3 notorious
4 hospitable
5 farce
6 veto
7 timidity
8 shirk
9 grueling
10 morbid
11 pampered
12 lair
13 beneficiary
14 parasites
15 bellow
16 surplus
17 dismantle
18 lavish
19 futile
20 clutter

1 dilapidated
2 lavish
3 shirk
4 futile
5 timidity
6 dismantle
7 veto
8 botch
9 pamper
10 hospitable
11 surplus
12 clutter
13 farce
14 grueling
15 notorious
16 lair
17 beneficiary
18 morbid
19 parasite
20 bellow

1 dismantle
2 veto
3 morbid
4 grueling
5 clutter
6 bellow
7 farce
8 futile
9 hospitable
10 timidity
11 dilapidated
12 lavish
13 pamper
14 surplus
15 notorious
16 shirk

1 vetoed
2 parasites
3 hospitable
4 shirk
5 farce
6 dilapidated
7 pamper
8 grueling
9 bellowing
10 surplus
11 lair
12 dismantle
13 clutter
14 botch
15 lavish
16 morbid
17 futile
18 beneficiaries
19 timidity
20 notorious


Completing the Sentence

1 vindictive
2 mull
3 innumerable
4 adequate
5 infamous
6 misdemeanor
7 narrative
8 wilt
9 ajar
10 lax
11 emblem
12 stalemate
13 hearth
14 gigantic
15 dialogue
16 overtures
17 mar
18 pact
19 implore
20 havoc

1 vindictive
2 hearth
3 mar
4 wilt
5 implore
6 stalemate
7 emblem
8 gigantic
9 overture
10 pact
11 dialogue
12 lax
13 adequate
14 misdemeanor
15 innumerable
16 narrative
17 ajar
18 infamous
19 havoc
20 mull

1 gigantic
2 lax
3 adequate
4 ajar
5 innumerable
6 vindictive
7 narrative
8 mar
9 infamous
10 implore
11 misdemeanor
12 havoc
13 wilt
14 overture
15 stalemate
16 mull

1 stalemate
2 implore
3 vindictive
4 adequate
5 infamous
6 mull
7 wilted
8 innumerable
9 misdemeanor
10 ajar
11 emblem
12 hearth
13 lax
14 dialogue
15 overtures
16 narrative
17 marred
18 havoc
19 gigantic
20 pact

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