Level F Enriched Eddition

Level F Enriched Edition/Common Core Edition

Unit 1
Choosing the Right Word
  1. hiatus
  2. transcended
  3. elicit
  4. innuendo
  5. hackneyed
  6. prerogative
  7. assuage
  8. innuendo
  9. lurid
  10. umbrage
  11. jaded
  12. provincial
  13. approbation
  14. meritorious
  15. decadence
  16. lurid
  17. petulant
  18. hiatus
  19. jaded
  20. coalition
  21. expostulating
  22. unctuous
  23. prerogative
  24. simulated
  25. intercede
  1. decadence
  2. innuendo
  3. jaded
  4. petulant
  5. prerogative
  6. umbrage
  7. unctuous
  8. simulate
  9. assuage
  10. approbation
  1. decadence
  2. simulate
  3. petulant
  4. meritorious
  5. innuendo
Completing the Sentence:
  1. provincial
  2. umbrage
  3. unctuous
  4. hiatus
  5. intercede
  6. decadence
  7. lurid
  8. innuendo
  9. transcends
  10. hackneyed
  11. meritorious
  12. approbation
  13. prerogative
  14. simulate
  15. petulant
  16. coalition
  17. expostulate(d)
  18. assuage
  19. elicit
  20. jaded
Vocabulary in Context:
  1. a
  2. b
  3. d
  4. c
  5. b

Unit 2
Choosing the Right Word:
  1. lassitude
  2. intrinsic
  3. occulted
  4. exhortation
  5. surmised
  6. ameliorate
  7. permeated
  8. surmised
  9. precipitated
  10. millennium
  11. aplomb
  12. ingratiating
  13. ameliorated
  14. interloper
  15. callow
  16. infringes
  17. epitomizes
  18. permeates
  19. drivel
  20. ingratiate
  21. ex officio
  22. bombastic
  23. stringent
  24. inveigh
  25. aplomb
  1. occult
  2. permeated
  3. bombastic
  4. epitome
  5. ingratiate
  6. inveigh
  7. aplomb
  8. drivel
  9. stringent
  10. precipitate
  1. ingratiate
  2. occult
  3. precipitate
  4. drivel
  5. aplomb
Completing the Sentence:
  1. exhort
  2. ameliorate
  3. bombastic
  4. drivel
  5. interlopers
  6. infringe
  7. callow
  8. millennia
  9. intrinsic
  10. ingratiate
  11. occult
  12. ex officio
  13. aplomb
  14. epitome
  15. permeate(d)
  16. precipitate
  17. surmise
  18. inveigh(ed)
  19. lassitude
  20. stringent
Vocabulary in Context:
  1. c
  2. a
  3. c
  4. b
  5. d

Unit 3
Choosing the Right Word:
1. abominated
2. tenuous
3. nominal
4. ascribing
5. inadvertent
6. sangfroid
7. proclivity
8. sedition
9. peculation
10. vitriolic
11. adventitious
12. acculturation
13. vitriolic
14. commiseration
15. tenuous
16. abominated
17. sangfroid
18. circuitous
19. ferment
20. expedite
21. wheedle
22. enjoined
23. expiate
24. noncommittal
25. circuitous

1. noncommittal
2. expedite
3. inadvertent
4. peculate
5. wheedle
6. vitriolic
7. acculturation
8. expiate
9. seditious
10. commiserate

1. abominate
2. inadvertent
3. noncommittal
4. seditious
5. ferment

Completing the Sentence:
1. vitriolic
2. circuitous
3. commiserate
4. expiated
5. inadvertent
6. peculated
7. fermenting
8. noncommittal
9. tenuous
10. sangfroid
11. abominate
12. adventitious
13. acculturation
14. proclivity
15. wheedle
16. seditious
17. enjoined
18. ascribe
19. nominal
20. expedite

Vocab in Context:
1. a
2. c
3. d
4. c
5. b

Unit 3
Choosing the right word:
1. gossamer
2. irrevocable
3. erudite
4. insular
5. archetype
6. contraband
7. amorphous
8. inscrutable
9. insular
10. scurrilous
11. querulous
12. reverberate
13. remonstrate
14. gossamer
15. propensity
17. aggrandizement
18. affable
19. reverberate
20. sedulous
21. aura
22. resilient
23. repudiate
24. contraband
25. affable

1. gossamer
2. aura
3. irrevocable
4. sleazy
5. inscrutable
6. amorphous
7. repudiate
8. affable
9. contraband
10. erudite

1. sleazy
2. amorphous
3. contraband
4. irrevocable
5. gossamer

Completing the sentence:
1. insular
2. gossamer
3. sedulous
5. erudite
6. affable
7. amorphous
8. archetype
9. remonstrate
10. reverberated
11. sleazy
12. inscrutable
13. propensity
14. resilient
15. scurrilous
16. aggrandize
17. contraband
18. repudiate
19. irrevocable
20. querulous

Vocab in context:
1. c
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. d

Unit 5
Choosing the right word:
1. scathing
2. blazoned
3. straitlaced
4. unwieldy
5. extricate
6. soporific
7. amnesty
8. fractious
9. equitable
10. autonomy
11. scourge
12. filch
13. soporific
14. scourge
15. precepts
16. caveats
17. autonomy
18. axiomatic
19. blazon
20. sepulchral
21. salutary
22. vapid
23. transient
24. flout
25. amnesty

1. precept
2. sepulchral
3. flout
4. caveats
5. unwieldy
6. amnesty
7. vapid
8. extricate
9. filch
10. fractious

1. fractious
2. unwieldy
3. autonomy
4. soporific
5. vapid

Completing the sentence:
1. caveat
2. transient
3. vapid
4. unwieldy
5. salutary
6. blazon
7. scathing
8. fractious
9. flout
10. soporific
11. extricate
12. precept
13. axiomatic
14. autonomy
15. sepulchral
16. equitable
17. filch
18. amnesty
19. straitlaced
20. scourge

Vocab in context:
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b

Unit 6
Choosing the right word:
1. vicariously
2. disabuse
3. fetters
4. brusque
5. contrive
6. demagogue
7. transgress
8. megalomaniac
9. insurgent
10. anomalous
11. ennui
12. surreptitious
13. sinecure
14. transmute
15. aspersions
16. cajole
17. vicariously
18. surreptitiously
19. bizarre
20. heinous
21. transgressed
22. immutable
23. castigated
24. brusque
25. cajole

1. heinous
2. aspersion
3. fetter
4. demagogue
5. disabuse
6. castigate
7. insurgent
8. contrive
9. brusque
10. megalomania

1. brusque
2. surreptitious
3. megalomania
4. demagogue
5. vicarious

Completing the sentence:
1. sinecure
2. disabuse
3. aspersion
4. castigated
5. surreptitious
6. fetters
7. heinous
8. transgressed
9. megalomania
10. insurgents
11. contrive
12. vicarious
13. transmute
14. immutable
15. bizarre
16. ennui
17. cajole
18. anomalous
19. demagogue
20. brusque

Vocab in Context:
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. d

Unit 7
Choosing the right word:
1. stalwart
2. mitigate
3. prated
4. cadavers
5. beneficent
6. disconcerting
7. inconsequential
8. grandiose
9. restitution
10. vulnerable
11. debased
12. austere
13. reproved
14. pillage
15. infraction
16. redoubtable
17. prates
18. stalwart
19. desecration
20. austerely
21. concocted
22. punctilious
23. disconcerted
24. crass
25. grandiose

1. disconcerted
2. crass
3. prate
4. restitution
5. mitigate
6. concocted
7. inconsequential
8. infraction
9. vulnerable
10. pillage

1. prate
2. grandiose
3. desecrate
4. stalwart
5. punctilious

Completing the sentence:
1. grandiose
2. cadaverous
3. mitigate
4. debase
5. vulnerable
6. redoubtable
7. prate
8. pillage
9. concocted
10. inconsequential
11. reprove
12. desecrate
13. disconcerted
14. punctious
15. beneficent
16. stalwart
17. infraction
18. restitution
19. crass
20. austere

Vocab in context:
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c
5. a

Unit 8

Choosing the right word:
1. dissension
2. intemperate
3. gauntlet
4. dissipated
5. expurgated
6. hypothetically
7. odium
8. relegated
9. ignoble
10. consternation
11. susceptible
12. dispassionate
13. perfidy
14. bovine
15. squeamish
16. dissension
17. impugn
18. disavow
19. acrimonious
20. corpulent
21. dissipated
22. consternation
23. hypothetical
24. subservient
25. squeamish

1. bovine
2. disavow
3. acrimonious
4. impugn
5. hypothetical
6. gauntlet
7. ignoble
8. squeamish
9. relegated
10. perfidy

1. acrimonious
2. ignoble
3. perfidy
4. bovine
5. squeamish

Completing the sentence:
1. dissension
2. corpulent
3. bovine
4. perfidy
5. hypothetical
6. subservient
7. dispassionate
8. squeamish
9. disavow
10. relegated
11. ignoble
12. gauntlet
13. expurgated
14. dissipated
15. susceptible
16. acrimonious
17. odium
18. intemperate
19. consternation
20. impugn

Vocab in context:
1. b
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. b