Level H
Unit 1
Completing the Sentence
1. mirage
2. vignettes
3. adjunct
4. caterwaul
5. poltroon
6. morass
7. bellwethers
8. oblivious
9. chimerical
10. hidebound
11. ribald
12. noisome
13. fait accompli
14. supine
15. effete
16. quasi-
17. hierarchy
18. proslyte
19. liturgy
20. Raillery
1. proselyte
2. vignette
3. supine
4. chimerical
5. morass
6. oblivious
7. raillery
8. mirage
9. hidebound
10. effete
11. caterwaul
12. ribald
13. quasi-
14. poltroon
15. fait accompli
16. noisome
17. liturgy
18. hierarchy
19. adjunct
20. Bellwether
1. hidebound
2. chimerical
3. noisome
4. oblivious
5. effete
6. supine
7. adjunct
8. poltroon
9. ribald
10. bellwether
11. quasi-
12. morass
13. vignette
Choosing the Right Word
1. caterwauling
2. supine
3. effete
4. poltroon
5. mirage
6. bellwethers
7. ribald
8. morass
9. vignette
10. oblivious
11. adjunct
12. hierarchy
13. raillery
14. fait accompli
15. chimerical
16. hidebound
17. liturgy
18. quasi-
19. noisome
20. Proselyte
Unit 2
Completing the Sentence
1. lexicon
2. melee
3. bibulous
4. verisimilitude
5. indigenous
6. aegis
7. miniscule
8. vassal
9. obfuscate
10. microcosm
11. sanguine
12. deracinate
13. apprise
14. polarize
15. paternalism
16. purview
17. eleemosynary
18. solecism
19. lachrymose
20. Claque
1. verisimilitude
2. aegis
3. melee
4. purview
5. apprise
6. eleemosynary
7. claque
8. lexicon
9. lachrymose
10. vassal
11. sanguine
12. polarize
13. obfuscate
14. indigenous
15. deracinate
16. solecism
17. miniscule
18. bibulous
19. paternalism
20. Microcosm
1. obfuscate
2. sanguine
3. polarize
4. indigenous
5. deracinate
6. vassal
7. bibulous
8. lachrymose
9. eleemosynary
10. miniscule
11. microcosm
12. apprise
13. melee
14. Solecism
Choosing the Right Word
1. obfuscate
2. lexicon
3. apprised
4. sanguine
5. melee
6. vassals
7. bibulous
8. aegis
9. deracinate
10. miniscule
11. purview
12. microcosm
13. solecism
14. claque
15. eleemosynary
16. paternalistic
17. lachrymose
18. verisimilitude
19. indigenous
20. Polarization
Unit 3
Completing the Sentence
1. paean
2. schism
3. mountebank
4. enclave
5. quizzical
6. interstice
7. therapeutic
8. pragmatic
9. icons
10. bowlderized
11. cozen
12. virtuoso
13. plethora
14. gratis
15. forte
16. condescend
17. rapacity
18. persiflage
19. ancillary
20. Macrocosm
1. condescend
2. interstice
3. icon
4. mountebank
5. persiflage
6. rapacity
7. bowlderize
8. paean
9. virtuoso
10. gratis
11. forte
12. therapeutic
13. schism
14. quizzical
15. pragmatic
16. plethora
17. cozen
18. ancillary
19. macrocosm
20. Enclave
1. gratis
2. quizzical
3. plethora
4. macrocosm
5. pragmatic
6. therapeutic
7. ancillary
8. schism
9. forte
10. virtuoso
11. paean
12. rapacity
13. Mountebank
Choosing the Right Word
1. schism
2. rapacity
3. bowderized
4. enclave
5. paean
6. cozen
7. plethora
8. macrocosm
9. ancillary
10. mountebank
11. therapeutic
12. persiflage
13. interstices
14. pragmatic
15. icons
16. forte
17. condescend
18. quizzical
19. gratis
20. Virtuosity
Unit 4
Completing the Sentence
1. folderol
2. mnemonic
3. volte-face
4. ineffable
5. symptomatic
6. gamut
7. bilious
8. lucubration
9. derring-do
10. cul-de-sac
11. hoi polloi
12. parameter
13. divination
14. elixir
15. affinity
16. pundits
17. risible
18. cognate
19. obloquy
20. Corollary
1. risible
2. symptomatic
3. affinity
4. divination
5. cognate
6. obloquy
7. ineffable
8. volte-face
9. folderol
10. elixir
11. cul-de-sac
12. corollary
13. lucubration
14. bilious
15. pundit
16. gamut
17. hoi polloi
18. parameter
19. derring-do
20. Mnemonic
1. corollary
2. affinity
3. obloquy
4. derring-do
5. hoi polloi
6. cognate
7. bilious
8. risible
9. pundit
10. Folderol
Choosing the Right Word
1. pundits
2. derring-do
3. bilious
4. gamut
5. cul-de-sac
6. parameters
7. volte-face
8. affinity
9. divination
10. symptomatic
11. folderol
12. mnemonic
13. lucubrations
14. obloquy
15. cognate
16. corollary
17. elixir
18. risible
19. ineffable
20. hoi polloi
Unit 5
Completing the Sentence
1. panache
2. foray
3. commensurate
4. systemic
5. aficionado
6. insouciant
7. genre
8. prurient
9. homilies
10. tendentious
11. diaphanous
12. immure
13. obsequies
14. matrix
15. browbeat
16. emolument
17. sacrosanct
18. vicissitudes
19. philippic
20. Persona
1. systemic
2. homily
3. emolument
4. aficionado
5. insouciant
6. diaphanous
7. tendentious
8. vicissitude
9. prurient
10. foray
11. immure
12. philippic
13. panache
14. persona
15. sacrosanct
16. commensurate
17. genre
18. browbeat
19. matrix
20. Obsequies
1. diaphanous
2. immure
3. tendentious
4. philippic
5. insouciant
6. vicissitude
7. foray
8. prurient
9. panache
10. systemic
11. Browbeat
Choosing the Right Word
1. matrix
2. homilies
3. diaphanous
4. sacrosanct
5. panache
6. persona
7. prurient
8. genre
9. immure
10. aficionados
11. tendentious
12. systemic
13. commensurate
14. emolument
15. browbeat
16. forays
17. obsequies
18. vicissitudes
19. insouciant
20. Philippics
Unit 7
Completing the Sentence
1. abeyance
2. nemesis
3. gamboling
4. fastidious
5. imbue
6. inchoate
7. savoir-faire
8. opt
9. carte blanche
10. eclat
11. cataclysm
12. ambivalent
13. philistine
14. lampoon
15. refractory
16. queasy
17. picaresque
18. malleable
19. beleaguered
20. Debauch
1. malleable
2. inchoate
3. gambol
4. abeyance
5. debauch
6. imbue
7. cataclysm
8. picaresque
9. savoir-faire
10. lampoon
11. carte blanche
12. beleaguer
13. queasy
14. eclat
15. opt
16. refractory
17. nemesis
18. fastidious
19. ambivalent
20. Philistine
1. philistine
2. malleable
3. nemesis
4. fastidious
5. refractory
6. inchoate
7. savoir-faire
8. debauch
9. ambivalent
10. imbue
11. queasy
12. lampoon
13. eclat
14. Gambol
Choosing the Right Word
1. lampooning
2. eclat
3. nemesis
4. savoir-faire
5. fastidious
6. abeyance
7. debauch
8. options
9. carte blanche
10. philistine
11. imbued
12. ambivalent
13. gamboling
14. beleaguered
15. inchoate
16. malleable
17. queasiness
18. picaresque
19. refractory
20. Cataclysm
Unit 9
Completing the Sentence
1. lagniappe
2. prototype
3. sycophant
4. protege
5. bete noire
6. dank
7. infrastructure
8. incubus
9. bode
10. heyday
11. ecumenical
12. tautology
13. fetid
14. fervid
15. beatitude
16. prolix
17. truckle
18. gargantuan
19. kudos
20. Inveigled
1. prolix
2. kudos
3. beatitude
4. fetid
5. tautology
6. truckle
7. prototype
8. dank
9. infrastructure
10. gargantuan
11. inveigle
12. sycophant
13. ecumenical
14. lagniappe
15. bode
16. fervid
17. heyday
18. incubus
19. bete noire
20. Protégé
1. gargantuan
2. dank
3. prolix
4. truckle
5. fervid
6. heyday
7. beatitude
8. kudos
9. fetid
10. ecumenical
11. bete noir
12. infrastructure
13. prototype
14. Protégé
Choosing the Right Word
1. dank
2. beatific
3. tautologies
4. heyday
5. ecumenical
6. sycophant
7. lagniappe
8. truckling
9. gargantuan
10. prolix
11. fervid
12. fetid
13. bode
14. kudos
15. bete noir
16. infrastructure
17. incubus
18. prototype
19. protege
20. inveigled
Completing the Sentence
1. mirage
2. vignettes
3. adjunct
4. caterwaul
5. poltroon
6. morass
7. bellwethers
8. oblivious
9. chimerical
10. hidebound
11. ribald
12. noisome
13. fait accompli
14. supine
15. effete
16. quasi-
17. hierarchy
18. proslyte
19. liturgy
20. Raillery
1. proselyte
2. vignette
3. supine
4. chimerical
5. morass
6. oblivious
7. raillery
8. mirage
9. hidebound
10. effete
11. caterwaul
12. ribald
13. quasi-
14. poltroon
15. fait accompli
16. noisome
17. liturgy
18. hierarchy
19. adjunct
20. Bellwether
1. hidebound
2. chimerical
3. noisome
4. oblivious
5. effete
6. supine
7. adjunct
8. poltroon
9. ribald
10. bellwether
11. quasi-
12. morass
13. vignette
Choosing the Right Word
1. caterwauling
2. supine
3. effete
4. poltroon
5. mirage
6. bellwethers
7. ribald
8. morass
9. vignette
10. oblivious
11. adjunct
12. hierarchy
13. raillery
14. fait accompli
15. chimerical
16. hidebound
17. liturgy
18. quasi-
19. noisome
20. Proselyte
Unit 2
Completing the Sentence
1. lexicon
2. melee
3. bibulous
4. verisimilitude
5. indigenous
6. aegis
7. miniscule
8. vassal
9. obfuscate
10. microcosm
11. sanguine
12. deracinate
13. apprise
14. polarize
15. paternalism
16. purview
17. eleemosynary
18. solecism
19. lachrymose
20. Claque
1. verisimilitude
2. aegis
3. melee
4. purview
5. apprise
6. eleemosynary
7. claque
8. lexicon
9. lachrymose
10. vassal
11. sanguine
12. polarize
13. obfuscate
14. indigenous
15. deracinate
16. solecism
17. miniscule
18. bibulous
19. paternalism
20. Microcosm
1. obfuscate
2. sanguine
3. polarize
4. indigenous
5. deracinate
6. vassal
7. bibulous
8. lachrymose
9. eleemosynary
10. miniscule
11. microcosm
12. apprise
13. melee
14. Solecism
Choosing the Right Word
1. obfuscate
2. lexicon
3. apprised
4. sanguine
5. melee
6. vassals
7. bibulous
8. aegis
9. deracinate
10. miniscule
11. purview
12. microcosm
13. solecism
14. claque
15. eleemosynary
16. paternalistic
17. lachrymose
18. verisimilitude
19. indigenous
20. Polarization
Unit 3
Completing the Sentence
1. paean
2. schism
3. mountebank
4. enclave
5. quizzical
6. interstice
7. therapeutic
8. pragmatic
9. icons
10. bowlderized
11. cozen
12. virtuoso
13. plethora
14. gratis
15. forte
16. condescend
17. rapacity
18. persiflage
19. ancillary
20. Macrocosm
1. condescend
2. interstice
3. icon
4. mountebank
5. persiflage
6. rapacity
7. bowlderize
8. paean
9. virtuoso
10. gratis
11. forte
12. therapeutic
13. schism
14. quizzical
15. pragmatic
16. plethora
17. cozen
18. ancillary
19. macrocosm
20. Enclave
1. gratis
2. quizzical
3. plethora
4. macrocosm
5. pragmatic
6. therapeutic
7. ancillary
8. schism
9. forte
10. virtuoso
11. paean
12. rapacity
13. Mountebank
Choosing the Right Word
1. schism
2. rapacity
3. bowderized
4. enclave
5. paean
6. cozen
7. plethora
8. macrocosm
9. ancillary
10. mountebank
11. therapeutic
12. persiflage
13. interstices
14. pragmatic
15. icons
16. forte
17. condescend
18. quizzical
19. gratis
20. Virtuosity
Unit 4
Completing the Sentence
1. folderol
2. mnemonic
3. volte-face
4. ineffable
5. symptomatic
6. gamut
7. bilious
8. lucubration
9. derring-do
10. cul-de-sac
11. hoi polloi
12. parameter
13. divination
14. elixir
15. affinity
16. pundits
17. risible
18. cognate
19. obloquy
20. Corollary
1. risible
2. symptomatic
3. affinity
4. divination
5. cognate
6. obloquy
7. ineffable
8. volte-face
9. folderol
10. elixir
11. cul-de-sac
12. corollary
13. lucubration
14. bilious
15. pundit
16. gamut
17. hoi polloi
18. parameter
19. derring-do
20. Mnemonic
1. corollary
2. affinity
3. obloquy
4. derring-do
5. hoi polloi
6. cognate
7. bilious
8. risible
9. pundit
10. Folderol
Choosing the Right Word
1. pundits
2. derring-do
3. bilious
4. gamut
5. cul-de-sac
6. parameters
7. volte-face
8. affinity
9. divination
10. symptomatic
11. folderol
12. mnemonic
13. lucubrations
14. obloquy
15. cognate
16. corollary
17. elixir
18. risible
19. ineffable
20. hoi polloi
Unit 5
Completing the Sentence
1. panache
2. foray
3. commensurate
4. systemic
5. aficionado
6. insouciant
7. genre
8. prurient
9. homilies
10. tendentious
11. diaphanous
12. immure
13. obsequies
14. matrix
15. browbeat
16. emolument
17. sacrosanct
18. vicissitudes
19. philippic
20. Persona
1. systemic
2. homily
3. emolument
4. aficionado
5. insouciant
6. diaphanous
7. tendentious
8. vicissitude
9. prurient
10. foray
11. immure
12. philippic
13. panache
14. persona
15. sacrosanct
16. commensurate
17. genre
18. browbeat
19. matrix
20. Obsequies
1. diaphanous
2. immure
3. tendentious
4. philippic
5. insouciant
6. vicissitude
7. foray
8. prurient
9. panache
10. systemic
11. Browbeat
Choosing the Right Word
1. matrix
2. homilies
3. diaphanous
4. sacrosanct
5. panache
6. persona
7. prurient
8. genre
9. immure
10. aficionados
11. tendentious
12. systemic
13. commensurate
14. emolument
15. browbeat
16. forays
17. obsequies
18. vicissitudes
19. insouciant
20. Philippics
Unit 7
Completing the Sentence
1. abeyance
2. nemesis
3. gamboling
4. fastidious
5. imbue
6. inchoate
7. savoir-faire
8. opt
9. carte blanche
10. eclat
11. cataclysm
12. ambivalent
13. philistine
14. lampoon
15. refractory
16. queasy
17. picaresque
18. malleable
19. beleaguered
20. Debauch
1. malleable
2. inchoate
3. gambol
4. abeyance
5. debauch
6. imbue
7. cataclysm
8. picaresque
9. savoir-faire
10. lampoon
11. carte blanche
12. beleaguer
13. queasy
14. eclat
15. opt
16. refractory
17. nemesis
18. fastidious
19. ambivalent
20. Philistine
1. philistine
2. malleable
3. nemesis
4. fastidious
5. refractory
6. inchoate
7. savoir-faire
8. debauch
9. ambivalent
10. imbue
11. queasy
12. lampoon
13. eclat
14. Gambol
Choosing the Right Word
1. lampooning
2. eclat
3. nemesis
4. savoir-faire
5. fastidious
6. abeyance
7. debauch
8. options
9. carte blanche
10. philistine
11. imbued
12. ambivalent
13. gamboling
14. beleaguered
15. inchoate
16. malleable
17. queasiness
18. picaresque
19. refractory
20. Cataclysm
Unit 9
Completing the Sentence
1. lagniappe
2. prototype
3. sycophant
4. protege
5. bete noire
6. dank
7. infrastructure
8. incubus
9. bode
10. heyday
11. ecumenical
12. tautology
13. fetid
14. fervid
15. beatitude
16. prolix
17. truckle
18. gargantuan
19. kudos
20. Inveigled
1. prolix
2. kudos
3. beatitude
4. fetid
5. tautology
6. truckle
7. prototype
8. dank
9. infrastructure
10. gargantuan
11. inveigle
12. sycophant
13. ecumenical
14. lagniappe
15. bode
16. fervid
17. heyday
18. incubus
19. bete noire
20. Protégé
1. gargantuan
2. dank
3. prolix
4. truckle
5. fervid
6. heyday
7. beatitude
8. kudos
9. fetid
10. ecumenical
11. bete noir
12. infrastructure
13. prototype
14. Protégé
Choosing the Right Word
1. dank
2. beatific
3. tautologies
4. heyday
5. ecumenical
6. sycophant
7. lagniappe
8. truckling
9. gargantuan
10. prolix
11. fervid
12. fetid
13. bode
14. kudos
15. bete noir
16. infrastructure
17. incubus
18. prototype
19. protege
20. inveigled
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